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Sample - Email Capture Bar

On this page, you can check the demo of the standard template Email Capture Bar provided by Sitecore Personalize.

Configuration Items

Display Position

The Email Capture Bar can be displayed at the top or bottom of the page.

Email capture bar top

Email capture bar bottom


You can set the text used in the Email Capture Bar. This item can be changed with Title - Title Text.

Placeholder Text

You can set the string displayed in the input box of the Email Capture Bar. This item can be changed with Email Input - Input Ghost Text.

Submit Button

You can set the label of the button in the Email Capture Bar. This item can be changed with Submit Button - Button Text.

You can display and set the link related to privacy. Set the link text in Privacy Link - Privacy Text, and set the link destination in Privacy Link.

Response After Input

You can set the text displayed after input. Change the message in Modal Title - Modal Title Text and the description in Modal Description - Modal Description Text.

Code Review

The variables included in the HTML are as follows:

Title TextstringText displayed on the bar
Input Ghost TextstringText displayed in the input box
Button TextstringButton label
Privacy TextstringPrivacy display text
Privacy LinkstringURL of the privacy link
Modal Title TextstringText displayed after input
Modal Description TextstringDescription displayed after input


The HTML of the Email Capture Bar is set as follows.

<!-- Use dynamic Guest variables, type ctrl+space or guest to explore available entities.-->
<!-- Type "d" to see decisioning helpers -->
<div id="pers_TopBanner">
<div class="pers_TopBanner__banner">
<div class="pers-banner_content_container">
<div class="pers-text_section">
[[Title Text | string | For this bar, we recommend less than 50 characters | { max: 50,
group: Title, groupOrder: 2, order: 1 }]]
<div class="pers-email_section">
class="pers-email_input input-box"
placeholder="[[ Input Ghost Text | string | Email | { required: true, group: Email Input, groupOrder: 3, order: 1 } ]]"
<div class="pers-modal_button-wrapper">
<a class="pers-modal_button__primary" id="pers-modal_button"
>[[ Button Text | string | Submit | { required: true, group: Submit Button, groupOrder:
4, order: 1 } ]]</a
href="[[ Privacy Link | string | | { required: true, group: Privacy Link, groupOrder: 5, order: 2 } ]]"
>[[ Privacy Text | string | Privacy Policy | { required: true, group: Privacy Link,
order: 1 }]]</a
<div class="pers__btn-close" id="pers_TopBanner-close"></div>
<div id="pers-thank_you_modal">
<div class="pers-modal_backdrop" id="pers-thank_you_backdrop"></div>
<div class="pers-modal_content">
[[ Modal Title Text | string | Thank You! | { required: true, group: Modal Title, groupOrder:
8, order: 1 } ]]
[[ Modal Description Text | text | You're all signed up. | { required: true, group: Modal
Description, groupOrder: 9, order: 1 } ]]
<div class="pers__btn-close" id="pers-thank_you_close"></div>

JavaScript Code

The JavaScript of the Email Capture Bar is set as follows.

// Adds a unique variant identifier to CSS when deployed to ensure CSS does not impact styling of other elements.
var compiledCSS = Engage.templating.compile(variant.assets.css)(variant);
var styleTag = document.getElementById('style-' + variant.ref);
if (styleTag) {
styleTag.innerHTML = compiledCSS;
// End Adds a unique variant identifier to CSS when deployed to ensure CSS does not impact styling of other elements.
// make space in the body for the experience
insertHTMLBefore('body', 'pers-');
// Close banner
document.querySelector("#pers-"+variant.ref+ " #pers_TopBanner").style.display = "none";
const scrollPercentageInput = [[Scroll Percentage | enum(0,25,50,100)| 0 |{group: General, groupOrder: 1, order: 2}]]
if (scrollPercentageInput > 0) {
window.addEventListener('scroll', currentScrollPercentage);
} else {
function currentScrollPercentage()
const scrollPercentage = Math.round((document.documentElement.scrollTop + document.body.scrollTop) / (document.documentElement.scrollHeight - document.documentElement.clientHeight) * 100);
if (scrollPercentage > scrollPercentageInput){
window.removeEventListener('scroll', currentScrollPercentage);
function showBar() {
document.querySelector("#pers-"+variant.ref+ " #pers_TopBanner").style.display = "block";
function dismissBar() {
document.querySelector("#pers-"+variant.ref+ " #pers_TopBanner").style.display = "none";
function showThankYou() {
document.querySelector("#pers-"+variant.ref+ " #pers-thank_you_modal").style.display = "flex";
function dismissThankYou() {
document.querySelector("#pers-"+variant.ref+ " #pers-thank_you_modal").style.display = "none";
const persSubmitPress = document.querySelector("#pers-"+variant.ref+ " #pers-modal_button");
const persThankYouClose = document.querySelector("#pers-"+variant.ref+ " #pers-thank_you_close");
const persThankYouBackdrop = document.querySelector("#pers-"+variant.ref+ " #pers-thank_you_backdrop");
const persCloseButtonPress = document.querySelector("#pers-"+variant.ref+ " #pers_TopBanner-close");
const persThankYou = document.querySelector("#pers-"+variant.ref+ " #pers-thank_you_modal");
function sendInteractionToPersonalize(eventType) {
const eventData = {
"channel": "WEB",
"pointOfSale": Engage.settings.pointOfSale,
"interactionID": "OOB_EXP",
"interactionName": "EMAIL_BAR_SCROLL"
window.engage.event(eventType, eventData);
function sendIdentityEvent() {
let eventData = {
"channel": "WEB",
"pointOfSale": Engage.settings.pointOfSale,
"email": document.getElementById("pers-email_input").value,
"identifiers": [{
"id": document.getElementById("pers-email_input").value,
"provider": "email"
persSubmitPress.onclick = function() {
if (document.getElementById("pers-email_input").value.length > 0) {
persCloseButtonPress.onclick = function() {
persThankYouClose.onclick = function() {
persThankYouBackdrop.onclick = function() {